Maximizing Your Network Marketing Advertising Dollars>http://www.NetMLMPr What if you couldn't create an ebook?
Try creating an e-course or starting a newsletter. Then, charge
a small fee for your e-course or newsletter subscription. That
will work too. 2. Your network marketing program as a front-end
profit This is a direct approach with a little twist. You
advertise your online network marketing program but before you
let your prospects know more about your products or services,
make sure you get their contact information first. Their contact
information could be their names, emails and phone numbers.
Then, get this information into your autoresponder or your
mailing list software. While introducing your MLM program to
your prospects, your autoresponder can do an automatic follow up
with your prospects. After mailing your prospects 7 or 8 times,
your prospects would either drop off from your mailing list,
join your network marketing program or are not interested to
join but want to keep in touch with you. This is when you'll
introduce complementary products to your MLM business. For
example, you can inform your prospects that they can build a
website to do prospecting or simply to sell something on the
internet. If your prospects are network marketers in different
companies, they will be interested to know how to effectively
find prospects online. If your prospects are those who look for
a way to make money online, your resource will be helpful to
them too. Either way, you have both covered and you'll get
commissions from every sale you recommend the complementary
product. At the same time, you still want to mention your MLM
program in case they change their minds and join you in the
future. For your information, these are the two strategies that
have been used by many top network marketers to make sure that
they will always be in a win-win-win situation. Now that you
have this knowledge, go out and apply either one or both
strategies. Of course, there are pros and cons to doing
everything. So, check with your upline if these ideas might
bring more success to your team.
About the author:
Zamri Nanyan wants you
to become successful online. Find out how Zamri can help you
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