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MLM Success- 5 MLM Success Secrets To 2006 Goal Setting

HAPPY NEW YEAR in MLM and Network Marketing!

It's 2006!

And now, the question has to be asked, as it is always asked at this time of the year:

What goals are you planning for 2006?

Or let's be honest:

Do you even have any goals for 2006 for your MLM business?

So many folks in Network Marketing will have the same year they had last year, and the year before, because they have not set any goals (I call them targets) that will focus and inspire them to greater success in their Network Marketing business.

How about you?

Would you like a little help in setting some targets to shoot for, and help you become excellent at "Target practice" in MLM? These are so simple to do, but yet many do not do it in Network marketing.

Many networkers "wing it" every year, and plan no goals or targets, and end up with a business 10% of what it could have been if they had taken the time to plan for Success in MLM. They "shoot from the hip," versus "shoot from their greatness" that they should be shooting for. Success is a target that is looked at, aimed for, and shot towards daily. Are you planning on doing that?

Your "Success Targets" or goals, should be 5 things in MLM. And these 5 things should be the driving focus of your goals. If your Success Targets fall into line with these 5 parameters, you will have a tremendous increase in odds of MLM Success in 2006.

You MLM Success Targets should force you to REACH for Success in 2006! We will take the acrostic REACH and see how your goals should be:

1) R...stands for REALITY BASED.

You Success targets hould be based in reality, not fantasy. They should force you to Reach, nor Wreck. They should force you to pull out your best, not pull a muscle. No matter what the goal, it should be reality focused.

You can make all the goals you want that are nothing more than fantasies, but Success Targets are goals that stretch you, not stress you in MLM.

What do you REALLY want to do with your MLM business this year? Make it reality based, and break the steps down to baby steps, and you will find that your Success Targets are being "bulls-eyed" every time!

2) E...stands for ENERGIZING.

Your MLM Success Targets need to excite you, and energize you. If they do not energize you, how are they going to energize others?

They will not.

Your goals should FIRE YOU UP when you think about them, and take action on them. They should energize you every time you teel others about them, and plan on achieving them in network marketing.

Are you and do they?

Get some Success Targets that will create some energy with you and your prospects. You will be glad you did!

3) A...stands for ACCOUNTABLE.

Simply, your network marketing success goals should be accountable and countable. Can you measure your goals and keep track of where you are with them? If you cannot, you will weaken the chance of achieving them.

Be accountable to at least an upline, or support team member. Create some responsibility to the goals, and their Success. It will accelerate your MLM Success!


You need to have a time line that has a beginning and an end. You need to know when the goal is supposed to be started, and completed. And it should be a step by step MLM Success construction process that has a focus of when it needs to be completed.

A time line is the "winner's line" that we shoot for, and move on past. It is a step along the way to greatness in network marketing.

Do you have a Constructive Time line or a Destructive Dead line?

HUGE difference!

5) H...stands for HAVE IT IN WRITING.

In MLM, you need to put your Success Targets in writing! It crystallizes what is in your mind to what is down on paper.


And when you put something in writing, you will find that it becomes more of a focus for you, and more of a focus for your mlm actions. Writing it down can take a goal from a thought to an action quickly. And it can help create structure and organize your plans and actions so they all work together in your MLM Success pursuit.

These are the 5 parameters that your goals should be fro your Network Marketing Success. If you do this, and if you follow the system of breaking it down into baby steps of Success, you will have a mind blowing 2006 in your MLM and Network Marketing business!


About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:
