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MLM Training- The Ten Commandments Of MLM Training

Network Marketing Training has certain requirements and things that are neccessary to make it powerful. Here are the Ten Commandments of MLM Training:

1) Thou shalt answer the question, "What do I do next?"

In MLM Training, the new distributor must know what he/she needs to do next. This simple question has stopped many future MLM superstars in our industry, as the new distributor will get frustrated if they do not know what comes next.

It is human nature for us to want to see the next road, the next highway. So you must let the distributor know what comes next, and then what comes next after that. This follows our culture. And if you answer this question, they will get a bigger picture in their mind of what needs to be done and go out and fo it.

If you do not answer this question in MLM training, you will find that people will start trying to reinvent the wheel, and attempt actions that will untimately lead to failure.

2) Thou shalt make your training duplicable. Duplication is about teaching to teach.

Your Network Marketing Training must be easy to teach, and understand. So many times, Network marketing Training is complicated, and cannot be remembered, let alone taught. It must be teachable by all, not just teachable by some. And the key to being teachable is simplicity. Also, the tasks and actions being taught to take in ths business must be duplicable as well. Complicated actions lead to complaining distributors.

MLM Training must be easy, simple, and teachable. To duplicate, you must teach Mary to teach Tom to teach Lou to teach Jodi to teach Roger to teach Dean to teach Susan. If this happens, then you will find that your training not only duplicating, but multiplying your team quickly.

3) Thou shalt have the tools and manuals for learning.

Network Marketing Training must have the tools to teach and the manuals to learn. Today's MLM Training must be multi media driven, and touch all the senses.

Tools are great for learning when the distributor has time on their own to review, and master the process. Tools also are good for going over the material over and over, and memorizing what needs to be learned, and internalized.

4) Thou shalt have training that cover all phases of working this business.

Great Network marketing Training contains trainings on getting started, prospecting, approaching, presenting, handling objections, following up, and getting the decison. Also there must be training on the company, products and compensation plan.

The trainings also must include retailing the product as well as recruiting new team members. If you have these topics covered, you have the makings of a great MLM training.

5) Thou shalt make the training automated.

In todays' world, you must have an online training system. That is just reality. We live in a digital world, and a website society. If your training is not online, and available 24/7, you already are falling behind. Conference call training is a must as well as this will be another vehicle to learn from.

Great Network Marketing Training is automated with text, audio, some video, and easy to access and get to on the website. Make sure your training is accessible nationwide, or even worldwide to your group.

6) Thou shalt think Hansel and Gretel in the training process.

Hensel and Gretel is a fairy tale about kids that went into the woods, and left a trail of bread crumbs to follow back home. They wanted a step by step path to get back home. Great MLM Training must be step by step to get the distributor back to the Success home.

Does your training have step by step process that can be copied, mapped out, and followed? Does it contain a pattern that can be copied, and become a cookie cutter pattern? This is how it is supposed to go. You MUST have a step by step path that is a natural path, and each step builds upon the next If you do, you will find so many more of your folks enjoying Success in MLM.

7) Thou shalt have Live Trainings and and Role Playing.

Great MLM Training has scheduled live teachings, usually on Saturday, and these are to teach, equip, and motivate. These events are good for focusing your group to laser focus, and even addressing questions about what you are training on. Plus it gets everyone together and spreads unity.

Role playing you must do as well with the new distributor. This gives them "artificial experience." And it readies them for when they go live on the calls and conversations, and prepares them in a way that classroom learning cannot. I cannot express this strong enough. Role Playing Rules.

8) Thou shalt have new levels in the training growth of the distributor.

Great MLM Training contains "phases", or "next levels" of growth. And usually they follow the path of "Basic training, "Advanced training,", and "Leadership Training," and even beyond that. We call that top level "Success Mastery training."

Basic training is about how to do the business, including retailing, and recruiting. Advanced training is about how to build a downline, effectively and powerfully. And Leadership training is about how to build Leaders. This follows a natural growth pattern of the distributor, and gives them something to focus on for the future, and to aspire and reach for.

9) Thou shalt get the new distributor up and training as soon as possible.

People learn so much quicker what they teach, then what they just hear. There are portions of the new distributor training that can be done by a new person. Get each new distributor up and teaching by the first month. And experiential training is key as well. Get the folks in groups and let them role play and experience what it feels like to do this business. It will excite them and train them as well, and the new distributor can facilitate this easily.

Why get the new distributor training quickly?

New distributors have "new distributor energy." It will get other excited and pumped. This also will build their confidence and put them in a pesudo Leadership role. Even if it is as simple as going over the company information, do it. It will propel them to a higher level of expectation, and self image in this business.

10) Thou shalt equip the distributor to master the training, and then let them do the training.

Your job is to get you out of the training business, and get back into the recruiting and building business. Good Network Marketing training will do this, and keep a fresh supply of new distributors learning and doing the trainings. If you have this happening, you will have accomplished duplication and mastery in MLM training.

blessings...doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

PassionFire Int

About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:
