Mr. Z's Identity - revealed on 12-20-01
Mr. Z's Identity - revealed on
Thursday, 12-20-01
Hello My Friend .... I hope this finds you well -- in spirit, health, and financial empowerment.
"Financial Empowerment?" - yes, indeed...that place in life where you know (not just think), no matter what happens to your circumstances, you'll still be living free and independent of somebody else's terms or conditions.
Hey, if you've already started your own Network Marketing business (even if just starting out in your "spare-time" hours), be grateful in knowing that you've pretty much put the process above in motion. Kudos to YOU :-)
"Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses.
Take charge of your own life. Take advice, but not orders.
Only give yourself orders. Abraham Lincoln once said,
"Since I will be no one's slave, I will be no one's master."
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change
the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can
change yourself. That is something you have charge of. You
don't have charge of the constellations, but you do have
charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and take
new classes.
Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility, it's
your responsibility. Your employer has no control over your
value, but you do." -- Jim Rohn
Okay ....onward I go.
About that "Mr Z." thing in the title of this E-letter. After you read this persons article below, a few of you may know exactly WHOS name I'm going to reveal on Thursday, 12-20-01.
If you're of one those folks constantly striving to learn all you can about yourself, business, and life in general, this person is definitely somebody you may know as a person who is making a buzz in the areas of what I call "Personal Peak Performance."
As a matter of fact he is somewhat of a Maverick - a straightforward shooter who has challenged cherished traditions in the areas of goal-setting, positive-thinking, affirmations, self-talk, etc.
Yes, it's unanimous -- what he teaches is quite different than other trainers, personal development and self-help gurus. If you think you've heard it all, you don't know Mr. Z.
Here's what Mike Litman had to say about Mr. Z.
"[Mr. Z] has ISOLATED the #1 SECRET behind every great success in the world. And it's not what you think.
The SECRET that literally changed my life this year! [Mr. Z] calls it the CONQUERING FORCE and I PROMISE you this will alter how you view ACHIEVEMENT *Forever*. My friend, ******** Forever!"
WOW !!!
Powerful, powerful, powerful words coming from a guy who has interviewed many, many super-achievers.
On Thursday, I will reveal Mr. Z's Identity and recommend a resource (the one he created especially for Network Marketers) that will literally skyrocket your achievement in this business.
For now, just know that Mr. Z.
. . .has been listed as a WHO's WHO of Human Potential Superstars.
. . .was voted one of the top two most effective international speakers of the decade.
. . .is HIGHLY endorsed by MLM company presidents and multi-million
dollar networkers (many of which make MORE then $100,000/MONTH).
. . .is paid $5000 to $7500 by MLM companies to speak for 45 minutes
because what he shares with the audience flat out works.
The Rest of this Article is Continued at