4 Steps To Law Firm Website Search Engine Placement Improvement
For this article, I'll assume that your legal website already
excels in the areas just mentioned and your site has decent
standing for your desired legal keyword phrases. But, as you are
keenly aware, the Internet can generate quality clients at a far
more cost effective basis compared to any other medium. So,
moving your legal website to the next level should be a very
wise decision.
Below I have noted some highly effective ideas to improve your
search engine standings:
1. Get another legal website!
Yes, for about $53 per month for the first year, and appx. $11
per month starting in the second year, you can have a second
website. Your cost the first year would be approximately $500
for the legal website creation, $10 for a new domain name
registration for one year and $10 per month for good quality
website hosting. The cost drops in the second year because the
site creation fee drops off.
This second site should not duplicate any of your existing
site's appearance or content. Failure to abide by this could
cause your site to be dropped from major search engines. Your
sites should be about your firm but each emphasizing a different
practice area. Plus, both your sites should be hyperlinked
2. Select a URL
Your new website needs a web address. Select a URL for your new
legal website that incorporates some of your keywords. Which
site do you think would generate more search engine hits: www.sandiegolawyerfory
ou.com or www.smith-smithandklei
Even if you have great name recognition in your local
neighborhood, a potential client seeking a San Diego attorney
will most definitely find the first site before the second.
Result: Incorporating key words into your URL will increase your
chances of being found in a key word search.
3. Purchase website creation software.
As web site owner, you or your assistant should know how to
up-date your site by adding current content, or minor changes.
Updating should be done often to keep your site relevant. With
many free and low cost web site programs available, knowledge of
HTML is not necessary. Personally, I would recommend Microsoft's
FrontPage as the best choice for website creation software.
4. Read a book on Search engine optimization. Knowledge is
power. Website designers are good at their website creation
efforts, but usually lousy at any optimization efforts. In many
cases, if they try optimization at all, they are using
techniques that are way dated and in many cases could and have
caused sites to actually rank well below their true potential or
be desisted because of what is perceived as search engine
Become the master of your domain not a slave to it! Read a
Search engine optimization book today!
Copyright 2005 Promotions Unlimited - All rights reserved
About the author:
Bob Schwartz (bob@websitetrafficbuilders.com) runs 15 legal
directory sites. Free search engine optimization 90+ page e-book
that will boost your site's rankings, e-mail:
bob@websitetrafficbuilders.com with "SEO book" in subject. Los
http://www.la-orange-county-lawyers-attorney-directory.com San
Diego: http://www.sandiegolawyerforyou.com