Search Engine Optimization's a Fertile Field
Search engine optimization is a phrase that is bandied about
every day on the Internet. In the decade since the Internet
superhighway began to generate as much if not more business than
hanging out a shingle, search engine optimization has become a
vital and growing field.
So how does one make a web page compliant with search engine
optimization? One method is search engine copywriting. The copy
is generated based on the idea that it reads well for someone
surfing the web. By reading well, it means the text reads enough
to keep the reader scanning and clicking on the page.
Is there a downside to search engine optimization? An ethical
SEO company will be straight about the following ups and downs
in the search engine optimization business. The first downside
of search engine optimization is related to the differences in
search engines.
Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta Vista, Starware and many more utilize
different algorithms to produce their page rankings. In the
early days of the Internet, Meta tags were the ideal behind
search engine optimization. The Meta tags were embedded in the
web design html, listing the 'searchable' terms that the web
page was keyed to. For example, a web page on pets may have had
cats, kitty, kittens, dogs, puppies, and litter in their Meta
tags. Those words were the searchable terms that the page
referred to.
Meta Tags were great, make no mistake, but they were infinitely
abused. A designer could plop down any terms they wanted into
the Meta tags and the search engines could deliver the page no
matter the content. The sophisticated algorithms of today are
designed to avoid those pitfalls and traps. Instead, by building
the design and the content around search engine optimization,
when a search engine delivers a page: it usually contains
information that the searcher was looking for.
However, there is a cost and limitation to using copywriting for
search engine optimization. First of all, it is very time
consuming. Yes, anyone can just sit down and generate a page of
copy. The average copywriter can probably type up 350 words in
less than an hour. They can likely layer the search engine
optimization terms in during that initial draft, no problem.
What happens when optimizing a site requires 100 pages of text?
800 pages? 1000 pages? That one-hour can become literally
hundreds of hours of time and energy. Professional copywriters
have made a science out of generating good, clean copy, but they
are not cheap. The average copywriter will charge by the word,
not the page. A lot of companies would prefer to pay by the page.
In most businesses, the higher the quantity would generate a
lower price. However in search engine optimization copywriting,
the larger the quantity, the more the work. Generating ten to
twenty pages of copy surrounding similar search terms without
plagiarizing or creating repetitive text is not only difficult,
it's mind-numbing.
Quality counts and quality copywriters will generate quality
search engine optimization text. When it comes to building a
website based on search engine optimization and quality content,
the professional copywriter is an invaluable resource. Be
prepared for the investment. Be prepared for the day when the
search engines alter their algorithms to tweak them and this
process is repeated.
Keeping the surfer engaged is great, that is only part of the
purpose of writing that is part of search engine optimization.
The second, primary part of these types of articles is to target
specific search terms. By building the articles around these
specific types of terms, it is possible to elevate the page rank
of the particular page and overall site in a search engine.
The nature of a search engine's algorithm is a zealously guarded
secret. Search engine optimization copywriting works because it
creates genuine content versus nonsense information interspersed
by searchable terms. Building around these terms sounds simple,
but the elements of the page are as important as the content
Developing the copy for search engine optimization can often
require a professional copywriter. They possess the skills to
write interest-generating content that can be layered around
searchable terms. The content that works best often features
more than just one set of searchable phrases. By strategically
placing searchable terms within the content, the copywriter will
provide the website with page ranking on those key terms.
Ultimately, search engine optimization works because the number
of searchable terms on the Internet is huge. However, search
engine optimization works because while it may improve rankings
on one search engine it does not work as well across all search
engines. As the search engines tune their algorithms, so page
ranks shift. This is a constant, evolving business and
competitiveness involved in search engine optimization continues
to grow.
About the author:
Mark Nenadic Mark is the director and face behind
FifteenDegrees-North , where you will find
articles and resources to help with SEO, marketing and Web