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Applied Motion Goes with Encompix ERP Software

Applied Motion Systems Inc., Vancouver, Washington, has selected Encompix ERP software to help manage their company's growth. Encompix ( has filled the manufacturing software requirements of Engineer-to-Order companies since 1992. The company name reflects the commitment to developing business application solutions that encompass the complex areas of project-based and job-based manufacturing. Encompix provides ETO manufacturers with a competitive advantage by improving bottom line results.

Founded in 1995 by experienced drive and motion systems veterans, Applied Motion Systems, Inc. was launched to develop a new generation of high speed composite can sealing systems for the food packaging industry.

Today, Applied Motion Systems is used to manage both simple and complex manufacturing processes incorporating hundreds of axes of motion in small and large companies in industries such as high-tech, semiconductor, building products, consumer goods, research/education, packaging, aviation, utilities, and entertainment.

In 2003, Applied Motion designed and built a semi-automated, rail-mounted camera system and controller console used at the Academy Awards presentation. The equipment allowed camera crews to bring sweeping motion to the video coverage with less hassle.

According to Thomas R. Cutler, spokesperson for the ETO Institute (, "Encompix continues to capture significant marketshare in the ETO environment because few other ERP vendors truly understand the nuances and significant distinctions of the ETO process versus the repetitive manufacturing process. Encompix now has more than 200 of the leading ETO manufacturing firms in North America using their ERP Software solution."

Encompix Roger Meloy 513-733-0066

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