PHP Blogging Software
1. Threaded Comments- Comments are threaded by default.
Visitors to the site can leave comments, Comments can be enabled
or disabled per-post.
2. Easy site changes- Changes to the sites functional
components and visual layout are simple, with easy-to-understand
and well structured templates.
3. Cross-blog communications- Track back standards are
supported by this blogging software
and gives per story track backs.
4. Links and RSS syndication- You can create any number
of customizable link lists and blogrolls through your
administration interface. In addition to sharing your blogs
posts in RSS format, bBlog allows you to syndicate your favorite
RSS-aware sites within your own blog using our RSS feed fetcher.
5. Spam protection- This blogging software
implements several anti-blog-spam measures, including optional
use of image validation for comment posting.
1. It gives complete control of look and feel of the blog. 2.
Smarty templating helps in easier customization. 3. Complete
support for web standards.
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We are in software business and always keep track of newly
launched softwares.