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China software outsourcing market in 2005 to 2009

Recently released latest research on the software outsourcing market which says the domestic software outsourcing market in China will develop rapidly with a complex growth rate of 35.6% from 8.71 billion, in 2005 to reach 29.43 billion in 2009.

According to Analysys the cost saving pressure has forced the USA, Japan and the EU to accelerate the pace of outsourcing their software production and IT service to developing countries, and thus provide countries like India and China opportunities to promote the industry level and form international outsourcing centers as well as drive the global market up to reach 94.29 billion US$ by 2009.

The comprehensive report also gives analysis and predictions on the market challenges and opportunities, location distribution and technical structure,developing trend, and competency evaluation of main providers. Predictions and analysis on the China market development are especially provided with details.

Northeast China and East China will become the main drives of the China software outsourcing market in 2005 to 2009,says Mr. Yang Qingfeng, research director of Analysys International, The South of China currently has a smaller market size but is rich in resources, its rapid growth will soon be noticeable. While the obvious location advantage of Eastern China, along with its tight relationship with Japan, the USA and EU will help to accelerate the growth. It\'s predictable that the outsourcing revenue of the Eastern China area, centered around Shanghai and the Yangtse River Delta will surpass Northeast China by 2009.

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Jim TatvaSoft - Software Outsourcing Development India