Encompix ERP Manufacturing Software Chosen by Cleveland Dust Collector
Sly has licensed Encompix ERP software to replace a series of
non-integrated systems including Caelus MRP and Goldmine CRM.
Sly was looking for an integrated system that fit their business
processes. One of the biggest factors in selecting Encompix was
its ability to handling Sly's estimating requirements. The
implementation will commence in 2006 at Sly's corporate office
in Cleveland and their manufacturing plant in Mississippi.
Encompix (www.encompix.com) has filled the manufacturing
software requirements of Engineer-to-Order companies since 1992.
The company name reflects the commitment to developing business
application solutions that encompass the complex areas of
project-based and job-based manufacturing. Encompix provides ETO
manufacturers with a competitive advantage by improving bottom
line results.
According to Thomas R. Cutler, spokesperson for the ETO
Institute (www.etoinstitute.org), "Encompix continues to capture
significant marketshare in the ETO environment because few other
ERP vendors truly understand the nuances and significant
distinctions of the ETO process versus the repetitive
manufacturing process. Encompix now has more than 200 of the
leading ETO manufacturing firms in North America using their ERP
Software solution."
Encompix www.encompix.com Roger Meloy rmeloy@encompix.com
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