Lenticular and Holograms 3D Printing Software Buzz
For instance, many are not acquainted with Lenticular and Holograms 3D Printing software that is a very good advancement in the printing industry. The Lenticular and Holograms 3D printing are two of the most advanced easy to use Lenticular and barrier screen printing software packages available that often mistaken for hologram software.
3DZ and LCK offer professionals and amateurs alike to rapidly and simply produce every type of 2D and 3D Lenticular image, including Flip, 3D, 2D, Morph, Zoom, Animation and Video sequences as well as combinations of any of those. With sizes ranging from 10mm x 10mm right up to 2.5m x 2.5m.
These two are optimized for accuracy and even allow single increment Ipi selection plus further fine tuning to make best results are obtained. These are constantly updated and come with technical support.
What 3DZ and LCK can do.
First, it can handle TIF, JPEG and PSD formats, micro calibration to exactly adjust the real number of lenses per inch with a one hundredth of an Ipi precision.
Another, it generates and modulates interpolation effects between views providing soft transitions. Creates 3D effect from PSD Photoshop files arranged in layers representing different depths. The software will definitely produce a 3D Lenticular scene. Not to forget that it is compatible with RGB, CYMK and Gray scale modes.
It ahs automatic selection of optimal resolution for each type of Lenticular lens and has unlimited number of views and frames that can be processed. There can also be unlimited size of input files.
The 3D Layer module accepts layered Photoshop files directly. It is definitely the fastest Lenticular software on the planet that are widely recommended for professionals, designers and printers. Complete authoring software for Auto 3D kit, LCK, and 3DZ. It is a sure learning and slick fun experience that you should not miss. Just make sure to get to know the latest buzz in printing tech and other related fields that are useful for your business to be always abreast with time.
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