New Software Helps You Achieve Your Dreams Through Daily Affirmations
Product Review: Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
"By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!" --Tony Robbins
"As A Man Thinketh." "Think And Grow Rich." These books, and countless others like them, all promote this same philosophy. You must train yourself--program yourself, if you will--through repetitive positive statements, to be able to recognize and seize the opportunities for success and happiness that are presented to you each and every day. In other words, you must completely and utterly believe that you will be successful before you can hope to achieve success.
AffirmWare, an Australian sofware company, has taken this powerful concept into the 21st century with their program, Sculptor 3. The program, which runs on Windows based PC's, makes it possible for anyone to use the power of auto-suggestion and daily affirmations to program themselves for success.
Personally, I'm fascinated by the possibilities presented by the subliminal messaging component of this program. It uses the same techniques used successfully in movie theatres here in the States during the 1950's. Positive affirmations flash briefly on your computer screen while you work. But, instead of inducing you to get up and buy popcorn, Sculptor 3's messages promote your growth towards success.
Visit the Sculptor 3 website today and take a look at the full details of this impressive product. (And if you decide to buy Sculptor 3, do yourself a big favor and use the "primary server" payment link on the order page. The "secondary server" link is an offline payment system and so you won't be able to download the software'd have to wait until someone manually processes the order and then gets back to you.)
For more information or to purchase this product, click here
About the Author
Dan Moran is the proprietor of SuccessBuy in Palm Harbor, FL. He is the owner and developer of, the definitive ClickBank search engine and review site. Dan is an IT veteran with over 15 years as a developer, project manager and Internet entrepreneur. You can visit Dan's website at