Professional Software Icons For Your Standalone Application
Today's developers know that users will learn how to use a
certain application a lot faster if its interface looks like the
applications they are already familiar with. Take for example a
Mac: can you see how all applications look pretty much the same?
So it's really easy to start using new applications, and you
don't have to read the manual to see what each button does,
because most likely you'll figure out that on your own. But
there are two sides to this: if all applications look more or
less the same, where is the uniqueness? Then again, if the
application is totally unique, users might find it difficult to
get acquainted with. So the best way to go is to use an
interface that combines both these rules - not an "average"
looking user interface, but also not a totally unique one. It's
easy to get stuck with this idea, but this is where icons come
Icons are the easiest way to differentiate your application,
while still keeping a note of familiarity. Most developers have
found it very efficient to replace the operating system's stock
icons with their own custom-made icons. How? Well, start with
the little things. Try adding shadows to icons, or maybe apply
different effects (emboss, blur, add a border, etc.) using a
graphics editor. Another approach is to change the icon's
colors. Make them all blue, yellow, or some other color you
might think it would look great with the rest of the interface.
A toolbar with enhanced, yet similar buttons (for example
replacing the New, Open, Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste icons)
really improves the overall interface. After replacing the
icons, it's a lot easier to make the next step and start
changing colors. But what to do with these old-fashioned users
that like to keep it simple? How about people with special
needs, who might have problems reading small texts or seeing
some colors. Also, there must be a way for all the people - and
it's really a mystery here - who like the same old icons and
colors on all their applications. Fortunately, the answer is
simple: different application skins! It's a good idea to have a
"standard" skin for the users who like to keep it simple,
offering the basic features in a really easy to use manner, and
then to create a few more enhanced skins for the people that
like different interfaces - big fat buttons with shiny icons for
the main applications features, or perhaps lots of toolbars with
many buttons for advanced users. Again, the easiest way to
creating new skins is changing the icons and colors. You don't
really have to change the layout of the application and move all
the toolbars/buttons/windows around, for it might require
sometimes too much work. But replacing icons is really easy.
Voila! You have a new skin!
Today's computer applications are focusing more and more on
graphics, and especially icons, while text interfaces are
becoming less popular. The modern applications' interfaces use
icons and text as well, but paying a special attention to icons.
This way it's a lot easier for users to learn how the
application works, so therefore they will accomplish their tasks
quickly. An intuitive interface and standard behaviors don't
require much explanation, and a well-designed application must
not get into the user's way, but must provide fast access to its
most important features. This is the general rule which brought
Microsoft millions and millions of dollars for it's main product
- the Windows operating system - so why shouldn't we follow
their example?
About the author:
Iconshock, your best option when looking for professional icons
in your projects. - Professional Icons