The ultimate in reciprocal link software. Reciprocal Links Pro
The ultimate in reciprocal link software. Reciprocal Links
Most webmasters know that a quality reciprocal linking campaign
is an essential part of building long term traffic to any
website. Reciprocal Links Pro is designed to take nearly all of
the admin tasks out of creating and maintaining a powerful and
professional reciprocal links directory. Here are just some of
the benefits of using our reciprocal links program on your site:
Increase free targeted traffic to your site.
Increase your link popularity.
Increase your sites visibility on the web.
Help improve your search engine rankings.
Earn revenue from your link directory without affecting your
link partners.
Build a professional, searchable links directory totally in html
in minutes!
Here is but some of Reciprocal Links Pro Feature List
Front End For Webmasters
Unlike other link scripts, Reciprocal Links Pro gives your link
partners control of their links on your site. When they add
their first link they select a user name and password, then log
in to the link partner area where the following features are
available to them:
Adding Links
From the link partner area they can add a link to their site.
You can choose whether or not your link must be on their site
before the form can be submitted, the choice is yours.
Multiple Sites
If your link partner has more than one site they can then add a
link to another of their sites. Each link is added separately
and follows the same rules as adding a single link.
One Link Per Domain
While a link partner can list multiple sites, they can list each
site only once in your directory. This prevents spamming of your
directory. Each site is checked for link back and approved
separately from your admin panel.
Easy Editing
This is a really useful system for your link partners. Anytime
they want to edit their links they simply return to your links
directory, log in to the link partners area and are shown a list
of all the sites they have listed with you. There they can add,
edit or delete their links. Each time a link is edited it is
temporarily disabled until you approve it again. (Assuming you
have Reciprocal Links Pro set for manual approval.)
Link Status
In the link partners area the webmaster will also see the status
of all links they have listed with you as either "Awaiting
Approval", "Active" or "Disabled".
Suggest Category Option
Inside the link partners area the webmaster can also suggest a
new category (or subcategory) should his site not fit your
current category list. If a new category is suggested you will
be emailed. If you decide to add the category you can simply
reply and let him know you have added a category so he may
return and add his link. Thousands of sites lose potential links
every day because webmasters do not see an appropriate category
for their site. Not with Reciprocal Links Pro.
Link To More Sites Option
If you have more than one site you can have a list of your other
sites inside the link partner area and suggest the webmaster
link to those too. This list is easily updated from your admin
Password Reminder
If a webmaster tries to edit their link, but can't remember
their user name and/or password, they can simply enter their
email address and click submit. Reciprocal Links Pro will then
reset their password and send it to the email address in their
link partner area.
Linking Policy Included
Before a webmaster can register as a link partner they are first
passed via your linking policy. There you can stipulate what
sites you do, and do not, want to link with to save you time
declining non desirable links. A standard linking policy is
included. You can easily edit this from the admin area.
Copy And Paste Code Provided
Directly above the "add link" form inside the link partners area
the webmaster is offered copy and paste html code for your link
on their site.
Automatic Form Fill
If the webmaster that wants to exchange links with you also uses
Reciprocal Links Pro, he will be offered a chance to auto fill
the add link form by simply filling in the URL of his link
directory and calling the needed details from his Reciprocal
Links Pro installation.
Find out more about Reciprocal Links Pro
Reciprocal Links Made Easy
About the author:
Walt is the owner/operator of Bubba's Bait Shop