Web Site Marketing: Give Away Softwares And Generate Traffic And Sales
One thing you can give away for free is software.
Here are 10 web site marketing secrets to do this:
1. Gain free advertising by submitting your software to freebie
and freeware/shareware web sites. This will increase the number
of visitors to your web site.
2. If you created the free software yourself, you will become
known as an expert. This will gain people's trust and they will
buy your main product faster.
3. Offer your software as an extra free bonus to the people that
buy one of your main products. People buy products quicker with
free bonuses included.
4. Publish your free software on disk or CD-Rom then include it
with your direct mail packages. This can increase the amount of
orders you'll receive.
5. Build your opt-in e-mail list fast by asking your visitors to
give you their contact information before they can download your
6. People love to get free stuff. They will visit your web site
to download the free software. Make sure the software is
attractive to your target audience.
7. Tell people they can download your software at no-cost if
they link to your web site. This strategy will multiply your
advertising all over the internet.
8. You will gain valuable referrals from people that tell others
about the free software you give away. Word of mouth advertising
can be very powerful.
9. Increase your e-zine's subscriber base by giving away
software to people that subscribe to your e-zine. This'll give
them an incentive to subscribe.
10. Give away software to your current customers as a way of
letting them know you appreciate their business. This'll create
loyalty and repeat sales.
May these web site marketing secrets help you to make a lot of
I-key Benney, CEO
About the author:
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