The Benefits Of Agricultural Biotechnology
Plant transformation is one of the tools involved in
agricultural biotechnology, in which genes are inserted into the
genetic structure or genome of plants. The two most common
methods of plant transformation are Agrobacterium Transformation
- methods that use the naturally occurring bacterium; and
Biolistic Transformation - involving the use of mechanical
means. Using any of these methods the preferred gene is inserted
into a plant genome and traditional breeding method followed to
transfer the new trait into different varieties of crops.
Production of food crops has become much cheaper and convenient
with the introduction of agricultural biotechnology. Specific
herbicide tolerant crops have been engineered which makes weed
control manageable and more efficient. Pest control has also
become more reliable and effective, eliminating the need for
synthetic pesticides as crops resistant to certain diseases and
insect pests have also been engineered. Phytoremediation is the
process in which plants detoxify pollutants in the soil, or
absorb and accumulate polluting substances out of the soil.
Several crops have now been genetically engineered for this
purpose for safe harvest and disposal, and improvement of soil
According to the USDA (United States Department of
Agriculture)'s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS),
in reference to a section specific to the major biotechnology
derived field crops, out of the whole crop plantings in the
United States in 2004, biotechnology plantings accounted for
about 46 percent for corn, 76 percent for cotton, and 85 percent
for soybeans.
Modern agricultural biotechnology has now become a very
well-developed science. The use of synthetic pesticides that may
be harmful to man, and pollute groundwater and the environment,
has been significantly lessened with the introduction of
genetically engineered insect-resistant cotton.
Herbicide-tolerant soybeans and corn have also enabled the use
of reduced-risk herbicides that break down more quickly in soil.
These are nontoxic to plants or animals, and herbicide-tolerant
crops help preserve topsoil from erosion since they thrive
better in no-till or reduced tillage agriculture systems.
Papayas resistant to the ringspot virus were also developed
through genetic engineering, which saved the U.S. papaya
Agricultural biotechnology may also be helpful in improving and
enhancing the nutritious quality of certain crops. For example,
enhancing the levels of beta-carotene in canola, soybean, and
corn improves oil compositions, and reduces vitamin A
deficiencies in rice. There are also researches going on in the
field of biotechnology to produce crops that will not be
affected by harsh climates or environments and that will require
less water, fertilizer, labor etc. This would greatly reduce the
demands and pressures on land and wildlife.
About the author:
Biotechnology HQ:
articles and information about the science of biotechnology.