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Why an Education in Nanotechnology

This article is intended to encourage young people to become nanoscientist
The unabashed purpose of this article is to encourage young people to become nanoscientist, nanotechnician or nanoengineers.
In every few decades a new science emerges which has a great effect on the world's population. One important example was the development of the printing press. This new science made it possible to permit large masses of people to communicate with each other and thus to be informed about the various politics and religions of the world. Prior to the presses invention people could only publish by copying writings by hand. As a result only a few had manuscripts of any kind. For this reason very few people could read or write. This condition changed rapidly as printed material became available. People had to learn how to build presses and to operate the presses. Those people who could build and operate a printing press were in great demand. Many became independent publishers. Some formed their own companies and became very wealthy while building publishing empires.
Environmentalists will love nanoscience. Nanoscience devices will be able to first duplicate themselves until large numbers are available then will be able to disassemble molecules. At the present time environmentalists are attempting to persuade congress to spend millions of dollars to clean up an Eastern river of PCB's. A few nanodevices could be placed in the river and, controlled by computer, duplicate themselves until thousands were available. The nanodevices could then be directed to attack the molecules of PCB and break them down into atoms, primarily carbon, nitrogen,
As amazing as the above products are, by far the greatest developments will be in the medical field. Some theorize that nanomotors can be combined with DNA to keep the animal body healthy. The DNA would be programmed and a computer would monitor the body at all times. Any variation from the normal would cause nanomotors to be sent to the source of the problem. Whether the problem was a cut finger or a cancerous tumor, the nanomotors, guided by the DNA, would correct the problem by healing the cut or destroying the tumor.
A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Usually 3 or 4 atoms fit in a nanometer. Nanoscience is the study of atoms and molecules and their manipulation to form novel products and nanodevices. Nanotechnology takes the atoms and molecules and uses them as building blocks to build larger objects.
What courses of study should one take: More courses are necessary than in any other field. Nanoscience is applicable to so many different studies that a much broader education is required. Some of the more required courses are described below.
The most important course is chemistry. By definition nanoscience is the study of the manipulation of atoms and molecules. Chemistry is the study of atoms and molecules and their combining and un-combining.
Along with chemistry, a very essential course is microscopy. Microscopes have been developed which can make atoms visible, they also can be used to manipulate atoms. This feature is necessary in using atoms as building blocks to construct nanodevices including nanomotors. Most of the benefits of nanoscience depend very much on the scientist's ability to build nanomotors.
Microbiology Nanoscience has been suggested as a very valuable tool for use in medicine. To use it effectively one needs to be familiar with every cell in the body. Microbiology is the study of the body both human and animal. Fortunately the discoveries involving DNA has advanced this study remarkably. It is contemplated DNA will act as a surveillance to test for disease. The nanomotors will then take over and provide the control for the disease. Doctors are expected to evolve into body engineers rather than physicians. The control can be accomplished without any cutting. There could be no pain; no scarring and results would be accomplished over night. The budding nanotechnician could work on eliminating the need for vaccine by building an artificial immune system. The life expectancy of humans would rapidly increase to 120 years. Childbirth would become painless It would seem an education in microbiology, as part of training in nanoscience would be invaluable.
At present there are only a few Universities that offer a degree in nanoscience, but this is changing as fast as curriculums can be put together. If you have a favorite university you wish to attend then contact them and find out what they offer, and what they plan to offer in the future. While not many offer degrees, many do offer courses. Some also have labs where hands on experience can be obtained.
About the Author
John is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a degree in Chemical Engineering. He is a retired Patent Agent and former Patent Examiner. He worked for several years as an oil field engineer. John has been a successful trader, in both stocks and futures, for many years. He has written article and published letters about both stocks and futures markets. Many articles and letters are about trading systems and observances he has made over the years. He is a member of several technical societies and keeps abreast of the latest advances in science and technology.