Wireless and Mobile Multimedia Technology
Bluetooth is a short-range radio link intended to replace the
calble(s) connecting portable and/or fixed electronic devices.
Key features are robustness, low complexity, low power and low
cost [1]. There are already similar standards in this market,
such as IrDA, HomeRF and IEEE 802.11 family. Bluetooth is
designed to offer some unique advantages that none of the others
can provide. However, as a result of the lower data rate and
transmission range, Bluetooth offers much lower cost per node
(approximately 5 ~ 10% of HomeRF and IEEE 802.11). So it is more
suitable for applications involving low data rate (data and
voice), small number of devices (8 at maximum), low power
consumption and short range (up to 10 meter), such as
PC-to-peripheral networking, home networking, hidden computing,
data synchronization (such as between PC and PDA), mobile phone
devices, and future smart devices or entertainment equipment.
Bluetooth is a new system that connect electronic devices via
wireless radio technology .this means that hands free device can
now communicate directly with the phone without having wires
plugged in. The range of Bluetooth is up to 10m-so when you get
in the car ,you can leave your mobile in your pocket or handbag
and be instantly hands free!
Why is called Bluetooth? Harald Bluetooth was the king of
Denmark during the late 900s .Harald united Denmark and part of
Norway into a single kingdom and also introduce Christianity
into Denmark. He also left a large monument ,the Jelling rune
stone ,in memory of his parents. In 986 during a battle with his
son,Svend Forkbeard,Harald was killed. The name Bluetooth was
chosen to indicate the importance the part companies from the
Baltic region .have played in the communication industry,
although it gives no indication of how the system and technology
operates .
To Be Cont ... T.M.Harahsheh
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