MatchVoIP the outstanding tool for your VOIP industry is an online interactive VoIP marketplace where supplies and demands are matched. Based on the route information provided, automatically matches the buyers and sellers according to a number of parameters preset by themselves. also offers a mutual ranking system to allow members to score their counterparts after each deal or each full cycle of discussions.
As a member company, you will have access to the vast amount of route information; you will control how to contact with other members and how to exchange minutes; you will control how to organize your own information and trigger matches. In one word, you become the master! The cost for this wonderful mastership is only a fraction of what you pay to the old-fashioned "clearinghouse service" where they take in your resource and define how the business is done to their benefit; where the member companies are made nobody.
Just go to and sign up to be your own master now! The beta release is free!
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