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VoIP: A Favourable Solution To Business Communication

Communication is an important part of business systems. Whether it is internal communication between the different functions of an organisation or external communication with the suppliers, partners and customers, the communication channel needs to be highly efficient and cost effective. Telecom revolution has brought a bag full of efficient and cost effective tools for communication and the latest addition to these is Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP.

A VoIP is nothing but communication between two people over a high speed broadband connection as opposed to traditional telephone lines. The broadband connection needs to be of high speed for better voice quality and high cost-effectiveness. With the help of certain VoIP hardware as well as VoIP software one can make a phone call using VoIP.

Let's look at the benefits of having a VoIP system in an organisation:-

Cost effective : - A VoIP call cuts down your telephone bills to the range of 40 to 60 per cent. Depending upon your VoIP service provider and VoIP products you use, calls can also made free of cost to limited areas.

Inbuilt features : - Various inbuilt features like voicemail, call waiting, call routing; caller id etc gives it an edge over traditional phone lines.

Flexible : - The VoIP system is highly flexible which means that it can adjust well to your business needs. If you need more lines you can upgrade your system at low cost and vice versa.

Easy to use : - A VoIP system is highly user friendly and is very easy to use
Now, let's look at the organisations that can benefit highly from VoIP systems: -

• Any organisation which uses more than five lines can benefit highly from VoIP systems.
• Organisations which need to communicate across the globe.
• Organisations which want better management of their voice and data traffic.
• Organisations interested in or have customer support services.
• Any organisation which wants to cut their telephone bills.

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Alen for , Discuss voip related topices with experts at this voip forum. Register now for free
