VoIP - Good Choice
Tired of the high phone bills? For some the high costs are
because of one or more of the categories mentioned above. This
is 'exactly' why you should not discount VoIP for your second or
third line. Imagine the looks on your teenagers face when you
tell them they can get their own phone complete with their own
phone number, voice mail and unlimited local and long distance
calling! WOW - problem solved. For satellite employees,
mentioning to your boss you can cut your existing phone expense
will also put a smile on their face. For the home based-business
ANY cost savings certainly helps. Now you can make those long
distance calls without worrying about the expense.
If you're putting off VoIP because you cannot use the service
'exclusively' you still just might be able to save money every
month. Your home office or employee business line or the line
for your child can all be easily converted to VoIP.
There are 'some' providers offering naked DSL so you should
first check with your local telephone company. Ask if they
provide this service. If not, you can visit our web site as
we've recently added a couple providers that offer naked DSL.
You can find them in our VoIP section.
If your goal is to eliminate your local telephone company all
together and you don't want to wait for naked DSL to become
widely available, then perhaps it's time to consider switching
your residential broadband access to cable. If you're a cable TV
subscriber the monthly fee is usually lower than if you were
not. In either case, run your own numbers. Take your existing
phone bill and add the cost of cable broadband. What's the
total? Now add up the cost of cable broadband and VoIP. Compare
the two numbers. Paying a little more for your cable broadband
access just might be offset with the cost savings achievable
through VoIP. Run the numbers and decide for yourself. For more
information on VoIP technology, visit our site, search the net,
do whatever it takes to get the information you need to make a
more informed decision. VoIP is a good choice and a good way to
save money.
About the author:
Broadband provider. Our free service is possible through Try Right Technology, Inc.
We provide unbiased and informative information on broadband and
communication products and services.