VoIP Training Center
To quote VoIP News......"Voice over IP is rapidly gaining importance in the future of telecommunications. Education in this vital technology is becoming an imperative to maintaining a competitive edge. Corporations, manufacturers, providers, consultants, engineers, product managers; even marketing and sales personnel are challenged to stay abreast of this emerging technology and marketplace."
Ahhhhh yep...what he said.
About the Author
Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications http://ld.net/mscprez and http://DS3-Bandwidth.com ....delivering choices to both residential and business consumers worldwide for voice and data broadband services. Michael also authors BroadBand Nation http://BroadBand-Nation.blogspot.com where you're always welcome to to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, and ramblings for the masses.