What Is VoIP Technology?
What is Voip technology?
Technically, VOIP is Voice Over Internet Protocol, or voices
traveling over internet lines and wires like other information
would. So, what does this mean to you? A lot. Even if you don't
have a clue what Voip technology is, you may still be utilizing
it everyday if you have a digital phone line or if you use a
microphone hooked into your computer to speck to others while
you are connected to the internet.
What is Voip technology going to do for me?
Digital phone and services like it keep costs down for the
company, which is passed on to the consumer. It is usually much
cheaper then a traditional land phone line, especially if you
want extras such as caller ID and call forwarding.
What is Voip technology going to lack?
As great as Voip technology may be, there are some drawbacks
that one using it for your phone service should realize. First,
most digital phone companies do not provide access to emergency
assistance numbers, such as 911 for those in the US. This may
leave your household vulnerable if you use digital phone. Some
consumers overcome this by keeping a basic plan with there
traditional phone company provider or have a cell phone
available in case of an emergency.
Another drawback to Voip technology in the form of digital phone
is that if your power goes out, so does your phone. When you
have a service through a traditional phone company, you can
still access your line even during power outages as long as you
do not need a second power source to run it (ex: cordless phones
need a second power source to run, so when the power goes out so
does your phone). This is not so with digital phone. However,
once again having a basic plan with your traditional phone
company or having a cell phone on hand may remedy this problem.
What is Voip technology overall?
Voip technology can be an asset to anyone. It keeps the cost of
having a land phone line cheap while still allowing us to
communicate verbally without having to rely solely on cell
phones. The next time you are taking a look at your high-price
phone bill from your phone company, take another look at digital
phone and Voip technology in general. You may rack up savings
that you never even knew existed.
About the author:
For more information about VOIP visit http://www.voip-2006.com .
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