Who Is The Best VoIP Provider??
Well...you can satisfy all those needs easily at BroadBandReports.com. Pay a visit to the VoIP Review section and you'll find a pretty indepth resource showing a review and comparison of multiple providers based on first hand accounts of real users.
Now if it's bitch or praise you want to do....just jump into their VoIP Forum. You can also catch up on the latest VoIP news, ask "how to" questions, or just lurk and soak up the ambiance.
About the Author
Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications http://ld.net/mscprez and http://DS3-Bandwidth.com .......delivering choices to both residential and business consumers worldwide for voice and data broadband services. Michael also authors BroadBand Nation http://BroadBand-Nation.blogspot.com where you're always welcome to to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, and ramblings for the masses.