Common Sense Website Design - Article 1
Website Design,
Some Common Sense Methods By Roy Cook
(c) 2000, Celestial Visions Co.
Hello, and welcome to another article about marketing on the internet. In this article I will give you an idea of how a good website is built, and the tools that are really needed to get the job done.
It seems that a lot of people that start a website on the internet have no idea what they are doing, or how to do it! That's a shame!
Designing a website isn't a simple process, but it isn't that difficult either. It's an organized process that starts with an idea of what you want to tell your prospects about in your web pages.
An excellent method of designing a website is based on what you want to tell your prospects, one step at a time. Keep it simple, and easy to read. Use Black Text on a White Background with a minimum of graphics on the main page. You don't want any animations or music content in the pages unless you know it will help to sell your product!
Your Index.html page is your Advertisement for your website, and should be easy to read, and with as few links as possible going out from it. This page is your Front Door, and it must have content on it that will Grab your visitor's attention, and hold their interest long enough to get them interested in the rest of your website. It's like a Million Dollar Salesletter with a few links to other parts of the salesletter.
In the Index.html page there should be an attention grabbing headline about a benefit for the prospect. Your visitor is looking for what you have to sell, or they wouldn't be there so grab their attention, and give them a Major benefit for Reading what you have to offer. The prospect has some problem that they are looking for the solution to. Provide Benefits for them that will help them to solve their problem.
In the body of the page have more benefits that will help the prospect solve their problems as easily as possible. Make your text as easy for the prospect to understand as possible, and write about your Prospect.
If you sell more than one product, or service and the products or services need a good description of each, then build a web page for each product and pack each web page with as much information about how your product works, or how your service can benefit them. The more information about your products, or services, the better!
Using this method of packing each page with Beneficial information about your products, or services will accomplish two things at the same time:
First is it will provide your customer with the information they are looking for that could make the difference between them clicking the Back button, and buying your products, or services!
Second is it gives you a much better chance of getting a good position in the search engines, and getting your website more exposure, and more hits.
I have looked at the background of many of the top ranking pages in the search engines, and have found that most often the pages have very little if any meta tags in them! They aren't using the keywords, or description meta tags, and yet they have the top positions - without having to Pay for them! These pages have benefit packed text about their products that gets them the top position.
More on Meta Tags, and Keywords in another article.
The main thing about a website is that it is like a salesman, only it never sleeps, eats, takes a break, or asks for a raise! It's up 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or as long as your server keeps running! That brings up another requirement for your website, reliability of the server.
I have had to switch server companies a few times because of reliability problems either with the server hardware, or software, and it looks like I'll have to switch again real soon because of reliability problems. If you are looking for a good webspace provider check them out thoroughly before setting up, or transferring a domain to them. Make sure that the server company provides customer recommendations that you can verify by contacting their customers!
It doesn't do any good to have a fantastic website if your virtual server is down most of the time! I have gone through that and it isn't fun when you type in your website URL and find out that your server is down During Peak Hours! That is the time you need the server to be up the most, and is when the money is made.
Enough for now, and have a great day!
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