The key to effective web design is to convert visitors of your
web site into buyers. There are numerous ways to do this, the
first being the organization of you web site. Organization and
allowing the visitor to easily navigate throughout your website
is a powerful tool which must be incorporated into web design.
First, you need to determine what you are trying to sell.
Whether it's a product or an ad, if you don't know the main
theme you want to get across, you'll be designing things forever
trying to get where you want to go by trial and error. Try to
sum up your main point in a few brief words, or at least one
sentence. Then build the basis of your entire design, including
and sub points you want to make, in the same way you organize
the points you want to cover in a presentation or a group
discussion. Think of a good ad design as a great piece of
artwork, expressive and able to relate a little bit to almost
everyone. That's where your main point helps your focus. Then,
add in all the little sub points you also want to make, and work
them in according to their order of importance. Remember, not
everyone will pick up everything you put in an ad or design. So
keep the points simple, cover just a few things, and cover them
in the order of most importance. Like art, a good design is very
detail oriented, but just like an exceptional piece of art, an
exceptional design only puts in exactly what it needs and
nothing more. Intricate detail is always important, just
remember that good detail adds to the overall effect, it never
takes away from it. If you have too many details, the reader
doesn't know where to look first. A good design helps the reader
to focus and understand what you're telling them. If you're not
sure that a point should be made, it probably shouldn't.
In organizing your website in a simple and straight forward
fashion, you will have the ability to guide your visitors all
the way to the cash register.
About the Author
Carmen is the VP Client Relations of Ms. SEO Inc., a Calgary
Search Engine Marketing
& Internet Marketing Company. Ms. Seo Inc. works with their
sister company Ms. Hype Inc.,
a Calgary Website Design Company, and
their parent company Cre8 Hype Solutions Inc.,
a Calgary based Internet Marketing Company, to
offer their clients a powerful online presence.
About the author: