Affiliate Marketing: Action Learn Your Affiliate Business
You want to develop your home-based business but feel isolated
and unsure? One of the downsides of working for yourself is the
loss of social interaction that frequently accompanies working
for someone else.
Sometimes the issues involved in building your own business seem
overwhelming - computer viruses, accounting, marketing
strategies, web development, search engine optimization, privacy
legislation, tax returns, anti-spam legislation, skeptical
relatives and so the list goes on.
Action learning is one way to overcome this sense of isolation
and uncertainty, build confidence and continuously improve your
Internet business.
Action learning involves learning through action while
collaborating with others on personal and business development.
It is based on the principles of collaboration, mutual respect
and honesty.
Learning to collaborate
Once we build our own business, we typically develop the
competitive mindset that we need to survive. We research the
competition, determine where our competitive advantage lies,
decide what products and services we will offer at what prices
and determine how to position ourselves within the competititve
marketplace. It is very easy to isolate ourselves and withdraw
from our normal circle of supportive relationships. However, it
is possible to develop and maintain new relationships while
building your business.
For example, I have three professional women friends who have
been meeting monthly for a number of years over coffee by the
river. They meet to explore with each other ways to develop
themselves and grow their respective businesses.
At each meeting, they focus on a major issue for one person
while the other two act as critical friends. Sometimes, they may
take in turns within one meeting to offer personal or business
issues for discussion. The number of issues covered in a meeting
will depend on the available time and the depth of the issues
involved. Issues may be personal, relationship, family or
business. They recognise that life balance is critical to
business success and to their capacity to offer value to their
Supportive challenge through mutual respect
The action learning approach combines support with challenge.
The aim is to support each other emotionally while being
prepared to challenge each other intellectually.
The challenge comes from asking fresh questions that are
designed to unearth fundamental assumptions or beliefs about the
nature of the problem being addressed. Often our own false
beliefs about ourselves, our business or our competition holds
us back from realising personal and business growth.
In our everday life we often experience the separation of
support and challenge. Support without challenge can reinforce
the status quo and perspectives that are unhelpful or damaging.
Challenge without support can be self-serving (building oneself
up while taking the other person down)and damaging to the
self-esteem of the other person (by reinforcing feelings of
Supportive challenge has as its object, building the self-esteem
of the other person while helping them to recognise the
limitations of their existing mindset about a problem, person or
issue. It is about helping the other person to be the best they
are capable of being.
Learning to be honest
A fundamental value of action learning is the willingness to
admit what you do not know or understand. This is often
difficult in the social and business culture that we have today
where knowledge and efficiency are so highly prized. However,
honesty is the starting point for real learning.
Honesty requires trust and preparedness to be vulnerable. This
is a lot easier if you are sharing with supportive friends.
Openness builds if the group meets regularly and each person
brings to the meeting the intention of working together to build
personal and business effectiveness. Over time, honesty grows,
relationships develop and effectiveness builds in all spheres of
your lives.
Action learning as mutual coaching
Action learning can be a form of mutual coaching where people
agree to take action on insights gained from the meetings. The
value of the process is enhanced when each meeting includes a
review of progress made since the previous meeting. Reflection
on action and outcomes from those actions is fundamental to
action learning.
If you engage in action learning you will be supported to go
outside your comfort zone and try new things. You will be
pleasantly surprised by what you are capable of achieving with
the supportive challenge of reflective friends.
About the author:
This article is written by Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate
marketing coach, who is developing his affiliate business
through the step-by-step coaching offered by the Affiliate
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