Brainstorm: The Essential First Step to Website Development
Sit down and ask yourself the following questions: First and foremost, "What interests me?", "What drives your interests.Is it swimming? ". Now for example if your interest is swimming, you need to ask the question "What is it about swimming that interests me?". Is it accomplishing a certain amount of laps a day?
That is just one example here are some others: Is your interest fishing? What kind of fish do you catch? What lures do you use? Is it traveling? What was the most exotic location you ever visited? What did you do while their? What sites did you see?
You see you need to take time to jot down all the things that interest you. Allow your mind to be free flowing during this exercise. Do not limit yourself in any manner. Also do not erase any ideas, this is just brainstorming. Which means you cannot be wrong. This is important because this one list could drive your whole career in affiliate marketing. I still maintain my original list and I update it regularly. I keep my notebook by my side at all times, because you never know when something will give you that inspiration that could make you thousands of dollars one day.
Try to get a page full of interests. This in why I said, allow this stage to be free flowing. Just look at it like this. The more topics you have, the more content you will have, the more content you have, the more money you will make. Every interest/topic you have can potentially be a website in itself. Just imagine this, if you just had five websites from five topics that generate $40 dollars per day each. That's $200 x 30 days = $6000 dollars per month. Multiply that by 12 months and you have $72,000 dollars per year. And that's from just five topics from your list. Now let's say you have 20 of these website, its mind boggling.
So do everything you can to brainstorm a full page list. And continue to add to it any time you get inspiration. It will definitely pay off in dividends in the future.
About the Author
Kenneth Elliott is the owner of Market Associate, ISaved Home Decor and Designer Handbags websites. He helps real people realize their dreams of a successful affiliate experience. Discover why so many have found their ideal business with Kenneth Elliott today.