Computer Packages for Website Development
Dreamweaver: The software package "Dreamweaver" produced by
Adobe is very easy to use, and is effective as computer graphics
are able to be quickly designed and work well once on the
website. If the web designer does not want to design the
graphics, this software program allows graphics from an outside
source to be incorporated into their website. Videos are also
able to be incorporated into the website due to an ability to
have external links. Dreamweaver is commonly referred to as
being one of the easiest software application packages to use
for web developers who are beginners. However, although this
software program is suitable for people who are beginners at
designing websites, the Dreamweaver software may not be suitable
for those who are proficient at website building and who want to
advance their websites by incorporating more interactive images
and commands.
Director 8.5: Director 8.5 is a more advanced website building
package that allows users the ability to have control over
timing of when images appear on the screen, and how images make
their appearance on the screen. For example, by using the
software Director 8.5, users have the ability to make an image
dissolve or enlarge when a user puts the mouse button over a
particular button. Although there is a lot more work that needs
to be put into this software package in order to make the
website function properly, more special effects can also be
incorporated to attract readers' attentions.
SmartWebby Designs: SmartWebby Designs is a company that uses
Dreamweaver software products to produce templates for
businesses and individuals. This means that the individual has
less control over the production and design of the website,
however, it is useful in terms of it being able to provide
templates that are fast, clear, and which have the ability to
attract a reader's attention though the use of effective colors
and contrasts. This solution is a good idea for people or
businesses that want a more professional looking website,
especially when they don't have the time to actually develop one
on their own.
Where to find more information:
1) Dreamweaver -
2) Director 8.5 -
3) SmartWebby Designs -
About the author:
By Bernice Ly
Bernice Ly is a technical writer working at M6.Net: 'The
web-hosting company for humans.' M6.Net is working hard to help
humanity experience the power and freedom to develop their own
part of the Internet, to share their information and connect
with anyone, anywhere, anytime.