Data-Blogs Technology.
eCriteria to Focus on Blog Integration
Database-Driven Weblogs Address Business Needs
Culver City, Calif. – October 16, 2002 - eCriteria announces today an exciting new initiative for combining its web-hosted databases with the increasingly popular weblog or Blog technology. Adding quick and simple-to-use database-driven functionality to blogs solves many Web application and collaboration requirements. eCriteria plans to work with blog technology companies such as WebCrimson ( to provide solutions useful in business environments. An example of a database-enabled blog designed for conducting market research may be found at the Web address:
A blog is a web page made up of usually short, frequently updated message entries arranged chronologically. The content and purpose of blogs varies greatly. Blogs began with purely personal applications such as family news items, commentaries and links to favorite sites, diaries, photo journals, essays, and poetry to just name a few. Recently however, blogs have seen a rise in business-oriented uses where blogs make for an excellent communication tool on company intranets. The main drawback with blogs is that they're static-only content and non-interactive. Adding eCriteria Web databases changes all that.
With embedded database functionality that eCriteria brings, blogs can now be used to address dynamic requirements such as maintaining project schedules, sales journals, and company calendars. Both blogs and eCriteria web-databases are hosted applications requiring no programming, no database knowledge, and no software to install. The blog providers host the web pages, and eCriteria securely hosts the database content.
eCriteria plans to offer licensing and channel partner opportunities for its Web database publishing technology for the purpose of integration with blog publishers.
A Word From the CEO
"Blogs represent an exciting new collaborative technology that's beginning to find significant success in business settings," says Dan D. Gutierrez, eCriteria's founder and CEO. "We see broad-based market potential by embedding our secure Web databases in business blogs, and with this initiative we hope to help enhance their acceptance as a useful tool at the enterprise level."
eCriteria is a self-funded spin-off venture of 18 year-old AMULET Development Corp. (, a database back-end web development and e-commerce integration firm based in Los Angeles. eCriteria defines a new genre of ASP called a Database Service Provider (DSP), providing a facility for quick, easy, and cost effective publishing of "shrink-wrap" web databases. eCriteria requires no programming or knowledge of databases. Using the Web Database Publishing Wizard, Data Authors may create their own web databases in minutes. The site is located at
Public Relations Manager
Amulet Development Corp.