Getting Your Web Site Spidered & Indexed Quickly
After you have designed your web site and chosen the products or services you wish to provide, you will be ready to get your site listed with the search engines. When developing your marketing strategy, it is significant to include a plan to get your web site indexed quickly. In order to get your site included you must let the search engines know you are there in the first place.
You may have wondered if there are ways to lure the spiders to your web site other than manual submission. The good news is that many SEOs advocate the following rather than submitting your pages straight off .
The best way to get your site indexed quickly is to link your web site to another site that is already indexed, that is related to your site, and that is spidered frequently. Having your site noted in news releases, blogs, and so on can get your site your web site spidered very quickly, sometimes within days.
You can also use the more plebeian methods including posting in forums and furnishing articles for the various article directories. If you choose this route, be careful not to spam. Follow the posted rules, give useful responses, and do not go overboard on your signature. Forums are not always spirdered frequently, so make certain that the forums where you post display recent posts and are listed in search results.
No matter which method you choose to get your web site spidered, you will need a good site map. A site map lists and links to all pages on your site. If your site consists over a 100 pages, consider using a multi-page site map. Make sure that all site map pages are linked together. You should have a link to your site map on your at home page and preferably on each of your pages. You should make sure your web site pages are uncomplicated and free of bulky useless clutter.
Note: As of this article date Google and Yahoo have are encouraging (or at least allowing in Yahoo's case) site maps as a way to get your site quickly and more completely indexed.
Getting your web site indexed quickly is the most significant thing you can do to achieve success as an internet marketer. Using the methods suggested above can be very helpful in getting your web site indexed.
About the Author
Ben Gordon currently writes at several web coding/development
forums and lists, including one he co-owns with other members of
a web development team at . He is
presently promoting a new reprint article directory to assist webmasters with
the difficult task of finding fresh content for their websites.