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"Internet Developments and Your Web Business"

"Internet Developments and Your Web Business"
For serious web entrepreneurs, keeping up-to-date on happenings on the Internet is much like the investor's staple of reading the daily financial news. As such, this article will cover a few aspects of "news" on the Web, which have a bearing on your Internet business.
Price Increase of Yahoo's Business Express Submission Service =============================================================
In April 2000, the NASDAQ crash made portals realized that they had to start digging into the pockets of site owners in order to survive. Thereafter, foreign concepts like paid submissions, paid listings etc. became everyday realities that we have to grapple with.
In the midst of all this madness, portal companies decided that they needed yet more revenue to boost their faltering profits. So to our dismay, (now known as increased its minimum pay-per-click bid from $0.01 to $0.05 and LookSmart adjusted its express submission service pricing from $199 to $299.
With this plethora of price increases, Yahoo recently announced that its express submission service had also risen in price. From the original $199, we now must pay $299 per URL to get our sites reviewed by Yahoo's human editors. As with the normal industry standard, adult Websites are charged a higher rate - namely, $600 per submission.
Using Yahoo's Business Express Submission Service, you will be assured of two things:
(1) Your site will be reviewed within SEVEN business days. (2) You will receive an email response within SEVEN business days informing you of the result of your submission.
If your entry is declined, Yahoo will explain the reasons to you, but NO refund will be given.
Microsoft and "Page Not Found" ==============================
In its ever-aggressive fight for Internet Portal dominance, Microsoft has struck again!
The latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer has displaced the "Page Not Found" error page. This page is substituted by a search tool page provided by none other than Microsoft. When you type a misspelled or non-existence URL into your address bar, you will be presented with an MSN search page.
Free Listings with New PPCs
We all know that pay-per-click (PPC) search engines are a cost-effective way to reach targeted customers. You select the search terms that are relevant to your site, and choose how much to pay when customers click on your listings. The higher you bid, the higher your site appears in the search results.
While the PPC as a media of Web Promotion is definitely not news anymore, many webmasters may not be aware that there have been many new PPCs springing up on the Internet which give you the opportunity to advertise for free. In order to gain advertisers to their new businesses, many of these new PPCs are giving free credits to new accounts. For example:
(1) gives you $25 worth of free advertising (2) will credit your account with a free $10.00 instantly just to let you try their service.
(3) For a limited time when you sign up with, you will have $10 to get started.
(4) offers you an automatical bonus on $5 if you use their system. (5) By signing up with, you are opening a free keyword bidding account, value $5.00.
(6) You will receive a $10 FREE start-up account with
To sign up, just click on the links below:
------------------------------------ Valerie Tay is the Webmistress of, an ezine co-op that provides advertising in multiple ezines. Visit to receive FREE 500 visits to your Website, grab a FREE copy of Val's eBusiness Starter Kit (worth $200.85), and place your solo ads. ------------------------------------