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Repairing A Corrupt .RAR/.ZIP Archive

Step 1:

Open WinRAR and browse to the folder with your .rar/.zip file.

Step 2:

Highlight the file and click the Repair button from the tool bar.

Step 3:

In the pop-up window, select "Treat the corrupt archive as RAR/ZIP" depending on which type of archive you are trying to repair.

Step 4:You may get a "Suspicious Entry" pop-up. If so, select All. This may happen several times while repairing.

Step 5:

After WinRAR has completed repairing the archive, click on Close.

Step 6:

To extract your file, highlight your new rebuilt archive.

Step 7:Next select Commands>Extract without confirmation

Step 8:

The files will start extracting.

Step 9:

The archived files will be extracted to the same folder as the repaired archive.

Adam Roper is the founder of GlobalFusion - a Multimedia & Web Development firm based in Sydney, Australia that designs everything from websites to DVDs and Multimedia Kiosks. If you have questions about creating HTML Email Templates or want someone else to do the design work for you, visit our website at: or send us an email at: