Dedicated Servers - Backup and Recovery Strategies for Web Hosting Companies
Before we discuss the different options for backing up and
recovering your dedicated server, we should mention that the
server hardware, data center, and fiber connection are all
critical to reliability. This article is specifically focused on
strategies to backup and recover your server's data.
At a minimum, you can create a partition in your hard drive and
backup your server weekly or monthly. There is no cost to this
kind of solution, but the downsides are obvious. If your hard
drive crashes, you will lose your backup as well. This kind of
solution is only recommended if you can afford to lose all of
your data, which most web hosting companies cannot.
Next, you can contract a remote backup service to set up offsite
backups. These backups can be run daily, weekly, or monthly. The
cost of this solution is around $30-$50/month depending on the
web hosting provider. This option gives you a solid backup in
case your hard drive crashes. The downside is that recovery time
will take 6-12 hours or more depending on how much data you
have. The data has to be manually copied over, and this is a
slow process. If you can afford the cost, this solution is part
of an overall backup system, but it is not recommended as your
only solution.
The next backup option is to have a second hard drive installed
on your server and have it set up to do daily, weekly, or
monthly backups. Most web hosting companies that provide
dedicated servers will charge between $15-$30 for a second hard
drive. This is a nice compliment to the previous solution if you
have the budget for both. The recovery time is faster then a
remote backup. But unlike a remote backup, if your dedicated
server or the datacenter are down, then you cannot access the
backup. For most small web hosting companies this is not a
problem. If their entire server or datacenter are down, they
have larger issues to worry about. We recommend this as a
complimentary option with a remote backup.
Next, a web hosting company can use mirrored RAID drives. This
option will cost $50-$80/month more, but it provides the fastest
possible recovery in case of a hard drive crash. You can just
reboot using the mirrored drive, and you are back in business.
The cost is a little higher, but this is a nice luxury. The
downside of this option is that if your server is unavailable,
then you still cannot reach your data. Additionally, if the hard
drive becomes corrupted it will also corrupt your backup. This
is why we recommend mirrored drives as part of a larger solution
that includes other backup systems.
Finally, there are mirrored servers. This entails the largest
cost and is really not necessary, except for those web hosting
companies that can tolerate no downtime at all. In this
scenario, if the server itself dies you can have another server
ready to take the load. In fact, if your company is large
enough, you might already need this kind of solution for
performance. Some websites require multiple servers to handle
the performance, and it is load balanced across them. In this
case, if a server dies the system still runs. This is the best
solution but it is not always necessary. And, of course it is
We recommend a weekly remote backup to provide you with a fail
safe version. Even if the datacenter burns down, you will have a
copy of your data. To this we would add either mirrored RAID
drives or a second hard drive, depending on your hosting
company's needs. If you are more worried about recovery time
from hard drive crashes, which is the most frequent hardware
problem with dedicated servers, then go with the RAID drives. If
you are more worried about the hard drive getting corrupted, go
with the second hard drive.
We hope this article provides you with the information you need
to adequately back up your dedicated server!
About the author:
About the Author: Rodney Ringler is President of Advantage1 Web
Services, Inc., which owns a network of Web Hosting
Informational Websites including,,,, and Rodney has over 15 years industry
experience from programming to internet marketing.